Qingdao Ruchang Mining Chemical Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol
CAS No: 108-11-2
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Alcohol and aether compounds
Product spec: 98%
Packing: Iron drum of 165KG
Post Time: 2011-01-04
Usage: Excellent foaming agent for non-ferrous metal and non-metallic ores. Mainly used as foaming agent for non-ferrous oxide ores or fine-grained sulfide ores containing a large quantity of soil grade. It is widely used in lead-zinc ore, copper-molybdenum, copper-gold ore and mineral processing of copper-gold ore althrought the world. Having particular effective on improving the quality of concentrate.
Description: Colorless transparent liquid with characteristic odor is miscible with most ordinary organic solvent. Its solubility is 1.7% in 20 degree, slight water-soluble, gravity 0.813, chemical properties stability and high content of active ingredients.
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